Exploring Men’s Aesthetic Treatments:
Skincare, Hair Loss Solutions & More

Today we discuss the growing interest among men in medical aesthetic treatments. From skincare tailored for men’s unique needs to advanced procedures for acne scars, hair loss, and body sculpting, we cover it all.

Watch to find out why more men are turning to medical spas and highlight effective treatments like microneedling, PRP for hair restoration, and cutting-edge fat reduction techniques. We also simplify men’s skincare routines, emphasizing the benefits of products like salicylic acid cleansers and vitamin C serums.

Whether you’re a man exploring options to enhance your appearance or someone supporting a loved one in their aesthetic journey, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice.

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Dr. Sethi:
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Skin Report. Today we’re going to discuss medical aesthetic treatments for men. They are not the largest group of people we see in our medical spas, but they are definitely a growing demographic, and there are some excellent solutions in skincare, and medical aesthetic treatments that cater specifically to them.

So I’m going to start my discussion with Shaheera. Hi, Shaheera.


Dr. Sethi:
So we are going to talk about men’s beauty treatments, and there’s actually quite a bit to cover.

Yeah. And I will also preface this by saying, I did Google. I love the auto results that appear. So actually, for medical aesthetics, that’s not… And men, if you were to put those words together, I think… I wonder, I’m very curious what men, or those who identify as men, what they’re searching for. And generally, it’s skincare related. But I know, and I see, and especially through just working with you, that they are more and more interested in entering a medical… Excuse me, in entering a medical spa, and even more treatments that would maybe be surprising to them that they encounter, and actually end up experiencing.

Dr. Sethi:
Yeah, actually, I have to say that… And it’s great that more men are interested in taking care of their skin, and they’re interested in looking their best. And that’s what brings them to exploring skincare solutions, and solutions for other things. I mean, in the medical spa, we are addressing acne scars typically, and more younger men do come in for that, and I think that’s actually my largest demographic of the young that I’m seeing, young men in their 20s and 30s looking to erase acne scars. And I do tend to see that more in men of color, because acne scars are more developed, or deeper in men of color with hyperpigmentation. And then the second is hair loss. Hair loss can start very early in men, and being more proactive about addressing it early on is going to give better results. The third is body sculpting. All the treatments that we do for permanent fat reduction in stubborn areas of body fat in women apply equally to men, and they are seeking those treatments. And again, that’s another very popular service line.

So I have read that men tend to have, just because of, not self-exfoliation, probably because if they do shave, they tend to have more oily skin.

Dr. Sethi:
Yeah, it’s not because they shave, it’s because they actually do have a thicker dermis, and they actually have more oil production because of their hormones. So they are prone to deeper acne scars, and because they have more oil production, they also are likely not going to have as many fine lines and wrinkles as women do. However, they also have bigger muscles, so they tend to have some deep lines in certain facial muscles, like the forehead, which will bring them in. But yes, going back to acne, they tend to produce more oil than women do, and they do have thicker skin. But of course, if they’re shaving, that just complicates things, because it tends to make their hair follicles get more swollen, more likely to get clogged, and also have ingrown hair, which, of course, exacerbates the acne.

From listening to you, is exfoliation generally a thing that they’re not aware that they should be doing? Where should they begin their skincare process?

Dr. Sethi:[inaudible 00:03:53] so generally, when it comes to the signs of aging, men are like luckier, they have more oil in their skin, they have thicker skin, but they also tend to want a simpler regimen. And I know I’m really generalizing here, but they do tend to want a… Tend nothing more than a three step routine.

A two-in-one?

Dr. Sethi:
A two-in-one. Yes, they’re more likely to be victim to the two or five-in-one products. So I like to keep it very simple, three-step routine. A.M. routine, a nice exfoliating cleanser, a salicylic acid cleanser-

That doesn’t un-dry your skin.

Dr. Sethi:
Right. And something with an AHA or a BHA cleanser. Then a serum, like a vitamin C serum. And then follow that with sunblock. Easy, simple, and it’s very effective. Now, contrast that to a woman, where she may have to also apply a moisturizer, a moisture-blocking hyaluronic acid. So those were only three steps, while a woman might have to take five steps. And the P.M., a nice cleanser that, again, is exfoliating the skin, and retinol, and that’s it. So generally, I think that’s easier for them to stick to, and it works really well, so you don’t have to get too complicated. Now, if they want to come to your medical spa, or any medical spa, where you do more advanced skin treatments, where can they begin with either acne, or if they just wanted to get a little general boost?

So in general, usually, a younger man is going to look for acne treatments, because he’s likely not experiencing too many fine lines. But if he is, go to someone who does Botox, and ask them about, “How many men do you do Botox on?” It’s not going to be as many as women, but it is nice to know that your provider has experienced treating people like you, and of your gender. But with acne scars, I will say, do be very, very careful about skin tone. So again, you can start your acne scar reduction journey with micro-needling generally, which works very well, but make sure that you’re working with somebody who has treated your skin tone, so they’re giving you effective treatments that are safe for you. And yes, that that’s sort of what you can start early on. And-

Dr. Sethi:
The maintenance for that would be?

And the maintenance, well, you’re going to… Because, again, you are going to have great results initially, and you want to keep them and make them better, if you’re starting young, every six months, come in and get a collagen induction treatment. But in general, men in their 20s to 30s are likely looking at acne scar reduction. Micro-needling is a great solution for that skincare, with a simple routine. And then as they age, what they may notice is more deep lines in their forehead, around their eyes, in the crow’s feet area. Botox, it works great. And at that stage, I generally find men tend to do really well with Botox, and they don’t need a lot of the other treatments we are doing for collagen induction in women, because they actually do produce collagen better than women in the same age group, and they have more oil production, so that’s sparing their skin of fine lines also. So when it comes to treatments like micro-needling, or lasers for anti-aging, we tend to do it more in men a little later on in life.


Dr. Sethi:

What age group do you think… Or have you experienced-

Dr. Sethi:
Usually 50s. Well, women are doing these in their 30s, so there’s a big difference. Now, when it comes to a sort of full body rejuvenation, and when I say rejuvenation, I mean generally sculpting, or muscle enhancement, fat loss. Do you see a lot of men who come to your clinics, who want to have that little boost as well?

Yes. I think I see a lot more men who are looking at reduction of stubborn fat under their chin, to give them a more defined jawline. That’s a very, very popular service. And I think it looks… And it’s great that they’re exploring that. And just like women, love handles, lower stomach, popular. We use Emsculpt Neo for that. We use SculpSure laser for the chin, for other parts of the body for permanent fat destruction. And there are many solutions, but that is a commonly requested service.

And then, finally, hair loss. And there’s so much that we could talk about when it comes to hair, which I don’t think we can cover in this episode, but if you are a man, and you’re experiencing hair loss, and even in your 20s, this is abnormal, as in it shouldn’t be happening, but it is very normal. There are many, many other young men experiencing it. And if you start exploring things like PRP injections, or micro-needling with PRP in the scalp, you’re going to have success. So don’t be shy to explore that, because there are a lot more men experiencing hair loss in their 20s than you think.

Dr. Sethi:
And it’s a great preventative measure too.

Oh, exactly. No, prevention is always better than correction.

Dr. Sethi:
If anyone has any questions, especially if they’re a man, or they’re new to medical aesthetics, where do you-

Or their sister, or a wife, or a mom.

Dr. Sethi:
Yeah, or their support system wants to send them somewhere, where can they generally find you to ask any questions?

Yeah. So you can always ask us in the comments on our YouTube platform. And again, everyone, thank you so much for listening to us today. Please remember to subscribe, follow, share, like, and of course, ask any questions, and we will see you next time.